الأربعاء، 13 مارس 2013

تفسير و ترجمة أول خمسة آيات لسورة البقرة

 سورة البقرة


 الم (1) 
هذه الحروف وغيرها من الحروف المقطَّعة في أوائل السور فيها إشارة إلى إعجاز القرآن; فقد وقع به تحدي المشركين, فعجزوا عن معارضته, وهو مركَّب من هذه الحروف التي تتكون منها لغة العرب. فدَلَّ عجز العرب عن الإتيان بمثله -مع أنهم أفصح الناس- على أن القرآن وحي من الله.

 ذَلِكَ الْكِتَابُ لا رَيْبَ فِيهِ هُدًى لِلْمُتَّقِينَ (2) 

ذلك القرآن هو الكتاب العظيم الذي لا شَكَّ أنه من عند الله, فلا يصح أن يرتاب فيه أحد لوضوحه, ينتفع به المتقون بالعلم النافع والعمل الصالح وهم الذين يخافون الله, ويتبعون أحكامه.

 الَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْغَيْبِ وَيُقِيمُونَ الصَّلاةَ وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنْفِقُونَ (3) 

وهم الذين يُصَدِّقون بالغيب الذي لا تدركه حواسُّهم ولا عقولهم وحدها; لأنه لا يُعْرف إلا بوحي الله إلى رسله, مثل الإيمان بالملائكة, والجنة, والنار, وغير ذلك مما أخبر الله به أو أخبر به رسوله،(والإيمان: كلمة جامعة للإقرار بالله وملائكته وكتبه ورسله واليوم الآخر والقدر خيره وشره، وتصديق الإقرار بالقول والعمل بالقلب واللسان والجوارح) وهم مع تصديقهم بالغيب يحافظون على أداء الصلاة في مواقيتها أداءً صحيحًا وَفْق ما شرع الله لنبيه محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم, ومما أعطيناهم من المال يخرجون صدقة أموالهم الواجبة والمستحبة.

 وَالَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِمَا أُنْزِلَ إِلَيْكَ وَمَا أُنْزِلَ مِنْ قَبْلِكَ وَبِالآخِرَةِ هُمْ يُوقِنُونَ (4) 

والذين يُصَدِّقون بما أُنزل إليك أيها الرسول من القرآن, وبما أنزل إليك من الحكمة, وهي السنة, وبكل ما أُنزل مِن قبلك على الرسل من كتب, كالتوراة والإنجيل وغيرهما, ويُصَدِّقون بدار الحياة بعد الموت وما فيها من الحساب والجزاء، تصديقا بقلوبهم يظهر على ألسنتهم وجوارحهم وخص يوم الآخرة; لأن الإيمان به من أعظم البواعث على فعل الطاعات, واجتناب المحرمات, ومحاسبة النفس.

 أُولَئِكَ عَلَى هُدًى مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ وَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ (5) 

أصحاب هذه الصفات يسيرون على نور من ربهم وبتوفيق مِن خالقهم وهاديهم, وهم الفائزون الذين أدركوا ما طلبوا, ونَجَوا من شرِّ ما منه هربوا.
(التفسير الميسر)

Sûrat Al-Baqarah
(The Cow) II
In the Name of Allâh,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

1. Alif-Lâm-Mîm. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur’ân and none but Allâh (Alone) knows their meanings.]

2. This is the Book (the Qur’ân), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqûn [the pious believers of Islamic Monotheism who fear Allâh much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden) and love Allâh much (perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained)].

3. Who believe in the Ghaib [1] and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât),[2] and spend out of what We have provided for them [i.e. give Zakât [3], spend on themselves, their parents, their children, their wives, etc., and also give charity to the poor and also in Allâh’s Cause - Jihâd].

4. And who believe in (the Qur’ân and the Sunnah )[4] which has been sent down (revealed) to you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) and in that which was sent down before you [the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel), etc.] and they believe with certainty in the Hereafter. (Resurrection, recompense of their good and bad deeds, Paradise and Hell).

5. They are on (true) guidance from their Lord, and they 
are the successful.

[1] (V.2:3): Al-Ghaib: literally means a thing not seen. But this word includes vast meanings: Belief in Allâh, Angels, Holy Books, Allâh’s Messengers, Day of Resurrection and Al-Qadar (Divine Pre-ordainments). It also includes what Allâh and His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم informed about the knowledge of the matters of past, present, and future e.g., news about the creation of the heavens and earth, botanical and zoological life, the news about the nations of the past, and about Paradise and Hell.
[2] (V.2:3): Iqâmat-as-Salât إقامة الصلاة: The performance of 
Salât (prayers). It means that:

a) Each and every Muslim, male or female, is obliged to offer his Salât (prayers) regularly five times a day at the specified times; the male in a mosque in congregation and the female at home. As the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم has said: "Order your children for Salât (prayers) at the age of seven and beat them (about it) at the age of ten." The chief (of a family, town, tribe, etc.) and the Muslim rulers of a country are held responsible before Allâh in case of non-fulfilment of this obligation by the Muslims under their authority.

b) One must offer the Salât (prayers) as the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم used to offer them with all their rules and regulations, i.e., standing, bowing, prostrating, sitting, as he صلى الله عليه وسلم has said: "Offer your Salât (prayers) the way you see me offering them (see Sahih Al-Bukhâri, Vol.1, H. No. 604 and Vol.9, H. No. 352)."
[For the characteristics of the Salât (prayer) of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم see Sahih Al-Bukhâri, Vol.1, H. No. 702, 703, 704, 723, 786, 787].

[3] (V.2:3) Zakât زكاة : A certain fixed proportion of the wealth and of each and every kind of property liable to Zakât of a Muslim to be paid yearly for the benefit of the poor in the Muslim community. The payment of Zakât is obligatory as it is one of the five pillars of Islâm. Zakât is the major economic means for establishing social justice and leading the Muslim society to prosperity and security. [See Sahih Al- Bukhâri, Vol. 2, Book of Zakât, No. 24]

[4] (V.2:4) Narrated Ibn ‘Umar رضي الله عنهما: Allâh’s 
Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said: Islâm is based on (the 
following) five (principles):

1. To testify that " Lâ ilâha illallâh wa anna Muhammad-ur-Rasûl Allâh " (none has the right to be worshipped but Allâh and that Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم is the Messenger of Allâh).

2. Iqâmat-as-Salât: to perform the five (compulsory congregational) Salât (prayers).

3. To pay Zakât

4. To perform Hajj (i.e. pilgrimage to Makkah).

5. To observe Saum (fasting) during the month of 

Ramadan. (Sahih Al-Bukhâri, Vol. 1, Hadith No. 7).

المصدر (موقع مجمع الملك فهد)

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